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Photo: by Nicole Marie, 2006


2006: presented by Theatre in Bars at Glitch Bar

2005-06: developed through an Express Media mentorship and read at the Emerging Writers’ Festival 2006

Creative team

Presentation – Glitch Bar

Director Michele Lee

Set designer Eva Johanssen

Props designers Michele Lee and Alia Vryens

Sound designer Daniel O’Shea

Special effects make-up artist Aniko Hazi

With performers Maria Coviello, Will Crawford, Robin Dorren, Meredith Lewis, Joel Radcliffe, Alia Vryens

Publicist Mark Tregonning

Development – Express Media

Dramaturg and director Gorkem Acaroglu

With performers Paul Bugeja, Louise Osland, Michael Parry, Jane Thompson, Mark Tregonning



Full length play, stage


3F, 3M


What’s worse: waking up to find out your brother’s leaving you for the Department of Defence or reliving your death every night in the Land of the Living Dead?

Dolly’s family is just like yours or mine – sometimes she wants to hug them and tell them she’s sorry, and sometimes she’d like nothing more than to feed them poison and chop their heads off. But there’s one difference – Dolly and her brothers are all deceased.

Set in a crazy bar where a robot serves the drinks and a zombie mops the floor, Kiss Me Where You Punch Me’s crazy, black, sharp-edged humour comes off like a twisted combination of Full House, Red Dwarf and Dawn of the Dead.

In this comic soap opera, Dolly is a comedian who retells stories of her family abuse to audiences of car crash victims and cripples. Her brothers, Karl and Theodore, are regular spectators even though the routines are about them. But when the lights go down, the name-calling has ended and the guns have blown, at least you can rely on Mum to make sense of the mess. Right?